Environmental managers met in Copenhagen

Environmental managers met in Copenhagen

BPO Environmental Working Group (BPO EWG) met in Copenhagen on 15th of November. The Group discussed several items from environmental port fields.

Among them port reception facilities for sewage from passenger ships, which is a concern for many of the Baltic ports as it is associated with substantial costs in the ports and with proper waste management in ports. Helsinki Commission is planning the introduction of new rules when it comes from delivery of sewage from passenger ships starting from 2016. BPO has the status of the observer in the Helsinki Commission giving the statements on port related items.
BPO EWG agreed to prepare the BPO Handbook with right examples of good environmental management and practices from the Baltic ports. The Handbook will be carried out in coordination with ESPO.    
BPO EWG Group consist of environmental managers from Baltic ports. The Group is chaired by Mr. Gert Norgaard, CMP.